Destiny – Destiny

1993 (no label)

Juli Gort – Guitar
Jeff Morgan – Bass
Erik DeBower – Drums

  1. Road Kill
  2. Sleepwalkin’
  3. Voodoo Shillelagh

You know its true shred metal when you get a list of all of the equipment that each band member endorses/uses. But they left off details about how to contact them if you liked the demo. Doh! Oh well, a lot of bands did that. Instrumental shred metal tends to lean towards either jazz or neo-classical metal in extreme ways that end up only being enjoyable by other guitar players. Destiny was a band that went the Jeff Scheetz route of mixing some neo-classical metal with some jazz while still keeping the songs firmly in the commercial metal zone that most non-guitar players could enjoy. The jaw dropping guitar wizardry is still there, along with impressive backing instrumentation on bass and drums, they just made sure not to sacrifice songwriting for shred.

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