Thryce – Demo

19?? (no label)

  1. Silent Speech
  2. From the Grave
  3. Here to Stay

No information about this one – can’t find anything online. What you see on the cassette above is all there is. I even had to guess at the track names. It is mostly mid-paced keyboard-based metal. The lead singer struggles to hit notes very noticeably in places. Could be that he couldn’t sing, or it could be that they had limited studio time and a bad day of recording. Who knows? The first two songs speed up near the middle or end, but overall the demo needs a few songs that pick up the pace. The second song works pretty well (if you can fix the vocals). I would ditch the first track and add two faster shred numbers. And maybe get a better ballad at the end. The one on here is a bit too generic.

Missing Information: Song names, who played on this, release year, etc.

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