Bastion w/ The Emperor’s New Clothes – Mix Down One

Bastion w/ The Emperor’s New Clothes
Mix Down One
1988 (no label)
East Hollywood, California, USA

Scottie Joel Cooper – Vocals
The Emperor’s New Clothes – Instruments

  1. Drawn Black
  2. Helen Told Me
  3. Shall Sodom Burn
  4. Martin Luther King
  5. Valley of Bones
  6. Awake My Lover

This is an interesting rarity – Scottie Joel Cooper of Dethdoor/Erin Peacechild fame doing vocals over a Hollywood band’s music. This was a common thing back in the day when a band was looking for a new vocalist – they would record instrumental songs and ask singers to come up with lyrics and sing over the music. Velvet Revolver was one of the more famous bands that did this, with Michael Knott himself recording some vocals over three of their songs. This particular demo makes an interesting mix of a kind of funky alt metal band with Cooper’s unique vocals over the top of the music – with a Christian take on the vocals. The story goes that the band called Cooper up after words and made fun of him with all kinds of cusswords, claiming they were actually the band Fishbone (which of course, has had the same vocalist since they started). Needless to say, who ever they were, they were not interested in having a Christian as a new vocalist.

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