Sight Unseen – Sight Unseen

Sight Unseen
Sight Unseen
1994 (no label)
Garden Groove, California, USA

Jason Lohrke – Vocals
Niels Nielsen – Guitars
John Oliveira – Bass
Frank Lenz – Drums

  1. 3
  2. Take the Man
  3. What ‘Til Then
  4. Near
  5. A Ways Before

Wait – did I spell that name wrong? Isn’t it supposed to be “Asight Unseen”? Well, it was. But this demo finds the bass player and singer from Asight Unseen dropping the “A” and going for a slightly different sound. They are still keeping their connections to that “A” intact – the inside of the tape has both Circus of Shame and Hollywood Proverbs listed for sale. I’m not really sure if mellow is the right word to describe the sound here – its more atmospheric and ethereal. Kind of reminds me of how Raspberry Jam and the Prayer Chain both changed their sound for Oceanic and Mercury. The guitars seem to be more acoustic-based than on the Asight Unseen albums. But I kind of dig the groove they hit with this demo. After this, it seems that Jason and John changed guitarists and drummers and re-named themselves Bionic Jodi.

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