The Happy Jerks – Demo

The Happy Jerks
199? (no label)

  1. Cow Lift
  2. Tape Dispenser
  3. Pretentious Artists Types Have Invaded My House
  4. Shamu the Killer Whale
  5. What Will You Do

Many of you probably recognize the name of this band from ACM Journal compilations back in the day, or the split 7-inch they released with Sorrow of Seven. As you can tell by the titles above, the songs are often goofy/quirky songs about random things. Yes, those are songs about an actual cow lift and an actual tape dispenser. Their sound is the quirky, laid back alternative rock you would expect from a band like this. There were many British bands that did something similar back in the day, but not as many American bands. They also have at least one other demo – that one also had no date, so I have no idea if it is earlier or later. All of the songs from this demo are also on that one except for “Shamu,” plus the “Deck the Halls” song from the Sorrow of Seven split and two other songs that I don’t know the name of.

Missing Information: What year was this released? Who played on it?

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