Asher – Demo

1981 (no label)
Louisville, Kentucky, USA

Billy Sutherland

  1. Been Set Free
  2. If You Miss Heaven
  3. I Didn’t Die
  4. If I Had an Ear
  5. Jump & Shout
  6. I’ve Been Saved
  7. Praises to You
  8. Should Have Asked the Lord
  9. Let Your Jesus Show
  10. Goin’ to Heaven

So this is an early, early demo from Billy Sutherland, who went on to record with bands like L.E.D., and even played on Dale Thompson’s pre-Matrix/Bride solo demo Lost in His Love. The sound here is more rock than his later music. The first track is hard rock, with even has a slight prog rock influence to it. But then there are several slower rock ballad type songs after that one.  It really kind of hops back and forth between slightly hard rock and straight up rock for the rest of the demo, with only a few prog rock parts peaking through here and there. Then it ends with a very country song.

Missing Information: Who else played on this?

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