Metal Truck – Road Kill

Metal Truck
Road Kill
1990 Dead Fleas Records
Chicago, Illinois, USA

Johnny Lopez – Vocals
Lorenzo – Guitars
Ajax – Bass
Howard – Drums

  1. Nobody Loves You When You’re Burning in Hell
  2. Busload O’ Sin
  3. Big Bible

Does this demo come across as a joke band? Well, trust me, they aren’t really, but there is a lot of humor on it. This tape reminds me of Torn Flesh and other bands like it that didn’t take themselves too seriously, but got mistaken for not being a serious band by people that didn’t get it. The liner notes state that “sometimes Rock ‘N’ Roll just ain’t pretty.” So there are some rough edges here. The sound is kind of a punk / trash crossover sound like the aforementioned Torn Flesh mixed with Godsent Humans. Except with deeper, more guttural / unique vocals. As you can probably tell, a major dose of “turn or burn” lyrics as well.

2 Replies to “Metal Truck – Road Kill”

  1. There is a story behind this tape. Metal Truck were a bunch of JPUSA guys who wanted to play a joke for Cornerstone Fest. They secretly recorded a tape and sent it in for review. It was over the top funny in the Spinal Tap tradition. I actually got to witness Metal Truck playing at JPUSA once they let the cat out of the bag that they were a joke band.


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