The Persecuted – The Persecuted

The Persecuted
The Persecuted
1990 (no label)
Wichita Falls, Texas, USA

Just Plain John – Hardcore vocalizing
Chris “Omar” Burney – Guitars
Brian “Commando” Hyde – Bass
Matt “Chud” Thies – Drums

  1. Politics
  2. Payday
  3. Greed
  4. Soaps and the Cinema
  5. The Choice
  6. C.A.S.E.

The Persecuted was a hardcore thrash band that mixed a bit of the punk and ferocity of bands like DRI and MOD with the usual Bay Area Thrash influences. I even detect some speed metal in there. The vocals change between clear spoken delivery to strained screaming. Then there are songs like “Greed” that start off with an early Anthrax sound, but come in with some unique vocal styling that are almost sung, but often rides the line of screaming. Lots of political and social commentary as well. But they also have a lot of fun, too. As far as I can tell, their only other release is a 1993 demo called Living that I haven’t heard yet.

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