Love on a Stick – Demo

Love on a Stick
199? (no label)
Kansas City, Missouri, USA

Kenny Carter

Side 1:

  1. In Your Throneroom
  2. Wake Up Down
  3. Snap
  4. Slug
  5. Come Dance With Me
  6. I Am Pinochio
  7. Hugs & Kisses

Side 2:

  1. Shine Today
  2. The Blitz
  3. In Your Image

I know I have heard this band name somewhere. I just can’t figure out where, and searching through everything I have turns up nothing. But its kind of a unique name to remember I think. They start off with a grunge-y, almost shoe-gaze-ish sound on the first track. The next track is a bit more upbeat, kind of a groove oriented alternative rock. I see that this band is from Kansas City, and I do seem to hear a Dig Hay Zoose and Hot Pink Turtle influence. At times even Ethereal Soul. But more focused on the funk part than the spastic part. A bit of soul in there as well. But still a lot of grungy fuzz. I’m not sure what year this was released, but they do have another demo called Piece from 1997.

Missing Information: Who played on this? What year was it released?

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