The Noiz Boyz – Neighborhood Rock

The Noiz Boyz
Neighborhood Rock
1987 (no label)
Wetmore, Texas, USA

Possible members:

Keith Wells – Vocals
Ray Gonzales – Guitar
Mike Wells – Bass
Jim Brandt – Drums
Robert Wells
Evan St. James

  1. Noiz Boyz
  2. Block Party
  3. 95 Degrees in the Shade
  4. Mars Hill
  5. Oh No!!!

So… there appears to be some conflicting information about this band. The most reliable sources state that it was a side project of Roxalt members to make a one-off humorous side-project. But there are three demos out there with slightly different track lists. One of those from an unknown date is called Cable-Ready Rock has all of the songs above except “Mars Hill.” The other is a self-titled tape from 1988 that has all five songs above plus three others and a reprise. On this tape, the intro to the first song mentions Evan and Gonz. The sound is kind of Ratt-inspired party metal sound. One source states this as Ratt meets Beastie Boys… but I don’t really see the Beastie Boys part. Some serious lyrics, some silly, some spiritual.

Missing Information: Who played on this?

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