Kranx – Rocks Hard

Rocks Hard
1985 (no label)

Ted Fiorino – Vocals
Nick Capozzola – Guitars
Tony Capozzola – Bass guitar
Joe Villano – Drums

Side 1:

  1. Kranx Rocks Hard
  2. Metal Man Man
  3. Steal My Heart
  4. Stop the Devil

Side 2:

  1. Hells Fire
  2. Lunatic Man
  3. Crank It Up
  4. Peoples Faces

I really wasn’t sure about this tape – for some reason, the song titles seem like spoof titles. Maybe a spoof of Christian metal? The first song says “Kranx! Rocks! Hard! For Jesus!” But it was 1985, and over the top stuff like this was still regular in all forms of metal. They sound like they are pretty serious about their direction here. The sound quality is a little rough in places (a few examples of the tape just giving out in several songs, unfortunately), which kind of hurts the lead singer a lot as he has one of those wailing operatic vocal styles. The style is kind of galloping traditional metal meets older power metal.

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