Human Shield – Friend of Sinners

Human Shield
Friend of Sinners
1997 Oral Gestation Artefacts

Side 1:

  1. untitled
  2. untitled

Side 2:

  1. untitled
  2. untitled
  3. untitled

This is one of a few releases on the experimental noise label Oral Gestation Artefacts. There aren’t any song titles (as far as I know), but I did break up the song based on silent spots in the tape. There were still only two songs on the first side, but it was nearly 20 minutes long. I did find this information at several different websites: “Limited edition of 300 professionally-duplicated chrome cassettes with handmade packaging. Recorded live with no overdubs in two sessions, the first one with Zygurat Consortium and Andy Ortmann and the second with John Wiese and Beta Carrotene as guest musicians.” It’s a mixture of feedback, spoken word, vocal experimentation, and various other sounds.

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