Malachi – Return

198? (no label)

  1. We Will Sing Praise
  2. Return
  3. War Games
  4. Evil Flame
  5. Eyes on Eternity
  6. I Will Follow

There are several bands named Malachi out there, but this is not the later ones that did Thrash or Hardcore music. I don’t know if this is the same Malachi that had Live at the Crossroads Iowa bootleg from 1982. It doesn’t sound like it to me – but they could have changed styles. The first track is a hard rock song with keyboards and a slight prog rock edge. The second track is a slower darker prog rock influenced number. And that is really where the band stays – rock or hard rock with slight prog rock influences here and there (but nothing overwhelmingly prog, though).

Missing Information: Who played on this? What year was this released? Is this the same band as any of the other Malachi bands?

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