Bad Little Duck – Bad Little Duck

Bad Little Duck
Bad Little Duck
1993 (no label)

TH. Lee – Vocals
P.Y.M – Guitars
J-Mike – Bass + BV
Phil – Drums + BV

Side 1:

  1. The Show Must Begin
  2. Crying To U
  3. Mister Niceguy

Side 2:

  1. You Can Do It
  2. Destiny?
  3. When Love’s Given

Bad Little Duck had some songs on a few compilations back in the day  (including an HM magazine sampler for Sept/Oct 1999). This was apparently their first release. This Swiss band was known for mixing different styles into one song, in a way that reminds you of Jet Circus, but without really sounding anything like Jet Circus. But it’s still heavy rock with blues, rap, groove, etc.  After this, they released a CD ep in 1994 called Nice Trip, another CD ep called Demo 96, and finally a full-length called Full Color Inside in 1997 (their song “Spiritual Warfare” from this CD was on the HM sampler). If I remember correctly, they went more industrial hard rock as they went along. I found this demo online to listen to here.

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