Correct Change – Skaught’s House

Correct Change
Skaught’s House
199? (no label)
Alton, Kansas, USA

Side A:

  1. Bean Boy
  2. Finely Felt
  3. Together
  4. Depth
  5. Open Letter
  6. Someone Else’s Eyes

Side B:

  1. Mr. Peterson
  2. Speed Limit 25
  3. Passes By
  4. The Great Separation

The name of this band and demo had me thinking “skate punk/ska” hybrid… but that is not the case. This is a heavy funk band closer to Dig Hay Zoose or Ethereal Soul. They have the more serious side and heavier guitars of Ethereal Soul along with the funky bass and vocal-stylings closer to DHZ. Alton, Kansas is 280 miles away from the Kansas City scene that spawned DHZ and others, but maybe this band was still a part of that scene somehow? Anyways, if you like those kinds of bands, this band would fit alongside them despite the demo not looking like much.

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