Ego – Self-Explanatory

1998 (no label)

All song performed and written by Ego

  1. [untitled]
  2. [untitled]
  3. Little Green Men
  4. [untitled]
  5. [untitled]
  6. [untitled]
  7. [untitled]
  8. [untitled]
  9. [untitled]
  10. [untitled]
  11. [untitled]
  12. [untitled]
  13. [untitled]
  14. [untitled]
  15. [untitled]
  16. [untitled]
  17. [untitled]
  18. [untitled]

You are not reading the information on this one wrong. As you can see on the cover, all tracks are intentionally untitled except for one. But this is not an ambient or noise album like you would expect from a tape with 18 mostly untitled tracks. The songs are played like a full band project, kind of hard rock or heavy alternative rock, but there are some very experimental aspects to many songs as well. The first two tracks are instrumental experimental heavy alternative, “Little Green Men” has vocals and a heavy influence of Primus, the next track is a near metal band track with vocals (but no title apparently). The next several tracks are various mixtures of all of that. I’m not sure if this a one person project or a band – “Little Green Men” that was written by two people (Karl Mischke and Casey Moore), but that is all I know.

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