The Institution – Entomology

The Institution
1985 Windforce Recordings (WF8501)
Canberra, Australia

Player One – Written, performed, and produced by Player One; artwork and layout
Player Two – Remixing, artwork, and layout

Side 1:

  1. Christmas Beetle
  2. Crickets
  3. Grasshoppers
  4. Requiem for a Mosquito

Side 2:

  1. Cantharide Beetle (A Little Spanish Fly)
  2. Butterfly
  3. Army Ants of the Amazon
  4. Mayfly

Another tape that I confused the album title for the name of the band. I originally thought the band was “Entomology” and the tape was “The Institution,” but reading the j-card shows that the band is The Institution. Apparently they have a previous tape called Cartography and a “coming soon” tape called Astronomy: Urology. This is all ambient music – no vocals, no percussion, mostly keyboards and possibly some guitars played like keyboards. The songs are all names of various insects, and the artwork and liner notes all discuss insects. This is great if you like this kind of music, but it is background contemplation music for sure. I think the addresses seem to indicate this is an Australian release?

Missing Information: Who are Player One and Two?

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