Happy House – Flamanthrapod Pie

Happy House
Flamanthrapod Pie
198? (no label)
Apple Valley, California, USA

  1. The Promise
  2. Picture of the Day
  3. Let It Go
  4. My Life
  5. To Forgive…
  6. The Pharisee
  7. Psalm 6
  8. Mother
  9. America the Grinder
  10. Christians and Pagans (Dietrich Bon Hoeffer)
  11. The Dance of Henry Mitchell
  12. The Struggle
  13. The Cemetery
  14. Keep Your Eye on Jesus

This one is a bit of a mystery. There really isn’t much on the j-card about who played on this cassette, or even a date that it was released. I really can’t find much online about it, either. It may even be a one man project. The music seems to be guitar played over drum machine. The vocals are definitely unique – sometimes sung, other times yelled. The use of sampled sermons, along with electronic drums, gives this an industrial feel. Whether that is intentional, or a by-product of the lo-fi recording – I am not sure. But I would lean towards the industrial label because this tape has a distinct influence from the industrial/noise/experimental underground that also spawned Marc Plainguet, Chris Yambar, Gadget, etc.

Missing Information: Year of release, who played on this tape

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