Double Edged – Demo

Double Edged
1989? (no label)
Little Rock, Arkansas, USA

Mike Brown – Vocals, bass

Side 1:

  1. Bloody Promises Made
  2. Eternal Life
  3. Devil Destroyers
  4. You Can Go On

Side 2:

  1. Is Anybody Listening?
  2. Early Grave
  3. Trouble

Another demo that is a bit of a mystery. All I have about this one is the information written on it in the picture above. Kent Byers may be a part of the band, or he might be a manager (Update: he appears to be the manager). The style is traditional/power metal that is played competently. The recording is demo quality, but still listenable. There is nothing particularly ground breaking about this demo, but I am surprised that they were able to put together 7 songs and have nothing online anywhere today. The tape sounds like a full band that played live to tape, so I am assuming there are multiple people involved – but sometimes these are also one person projects. You never know. The vocals and guitars hit a few snags here and there, but then nail some difficult parts in other places as well – so I assume it is just the limitations of a one shot recording situation (your favorite bands clean up a lot in studio if you weren’t aware). The tape itself is as low budget as you can get – the 5th track (the one I called “Is Anybody Listening?”) actually got cut off by the end of side 1, so they just restarted it on the beginning of side two.

Update: turns out this was the bands second demo, and they followed it up with the much better Devil Destroyers sometime around 1990. I also found a White Throne magazine review that possibly places this demo in 1989.

Missing Information: Who played on this? Is the release date correct?

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