Potluck – Punk Rawk Buffet

Punk Rawk Buffet
1999? (no label)
Assiniboia, Saskatchewan, Canada

Jonathan “DJ” Fast
Tim “Dawg” Estetep
Mike “D” Fischer

  1. Job Well Done
  2. Ordinary Girl
  3. Let Me Be
  4. Across the World
  5. Anymore
  6. Don’t Mind at All
  7. Just Like Me
  8. That May Be
  9. Get Ready to Rumble

You will never guess what style this tape is. Actually, you will. No date or songs titles on this, so I took a guess at the song names above. There is a website listed on the inside of the j-card, which the Wayback Machine tells me started around 1999. So my guess would be that this tape was released about 1999 as well. The first track and a few  other songs remind me a bit of Plankeye’s first album, but the main style of the music is 90s punk rock, a little more on the raw side than the pop punk side – but still pop punk. Their website says they were part of the Spirit-Filled WebRing (remember those?) and they name drop a few 90s Christian Punk band names. But that is all I know.

Missing Information: What year was this released? What are the song titles? Who played what instrument and sang?

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