Jigsaw Jungle – Demo

Jigsaw Jungle
1992 (no label)
Detroit, Michigan, USA

Side A:

  1. Rain
  2. Remember

Side B:

  1. Cinderella
  2. Back to the Bone

I was holding back on some of the Scene and Unseen Music Club YouTube videos in case some more information came to light, but I haven’t seen any new information on the few that I have left. So I will dive into those now. This one starts off with an early 90s heavy metal sound – a time period when heavy metal was trying to get away from hair metal trappings and try something different. This one leans into groove metal a it as well as gritty alternative rock. Kind of like Band Tango meets a serious Green Jelly. The last track does get more into traditional heavy metal. But that is all I know.

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