Freddy D & The Glory Riders – Cassette!

Freddy D & The Glory Riders
1994 (no label)
Flint, Michigan, USA

Fred Denton

[13 unknown track titles]

I wasn’t sure what to expect from this one based on the descriptions and the kind of hokey name. The first track is an instrumental shred metal song (almost). The second song comes across as a DIY drum-machine experimental alt-rock track with the same loud shredder guitars popping up all over the place. The bass player even has some solos in there. Its kind of like the singer was influenced by Marc Plainguet’s quirkiness and DIY attitude, but then formed a band with a bassist and guitarist that wanted to be in Mr. Big. But the singer somehow convinced the shredders to hold back sometimes and just play straight-up rock in between solos. Very ministry-focused lyrics as well. Not to mention several blues tracks. So what style is it? Uhhh… rock? 🙂 Another one from the Scene and Unseen Music Club, so if they dig up some more info on this one I will have to update this post. See also His Glory Band.

Missing Information: Who played on this? What are the song titles?

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